✍️Looking for Authors

We are looking for community members who will help us create content for PandAI Portal in exchange for $PANDAI rewards.

How does it work?

It's simple

  • you'll send us an article in your favorite editor (Google Docs, Word, Pages)

  • our copy-writer checks its factual and linguistic aspects

  • in case the article passes, we put it into our CMS to be published on PandAI Portal

  • you receive your $PANDAI reward

What articles do we want?

We want 3 types of articles, each of which should follow a pre-defined structure to keep the PandAI Portal well arranged.


Do you know an AI app, which isn't in PandAI Portal and which others should know?

The article about an AI app should contain basic information

  • name of the app,

  • list of AI atomic tasks (used in the app),

  • logo of the app,

  • link to its homepage,

  • price or overview of subscriptions and their prices,

followed with

  • one paragraph defining what's the app about,

  • overview of app features (what the app can do),

  • overview of app limitations (what the app still can't do),

  • services (how the app can be used, what features are unlocked in what subscriptions).

Use Cases

Have you adapted AI and would like to share that with others? In PandAI Portal, we call this adaptation AI use case.

The article about your use case should contain basic information

  • title of the use case,

  • list of AI atomic tasks (used in the use case),

  • list of AI applications (used in the use case),

followed with

  • one paragraph defining what's the use case about,

  • description of the use case, from the beginning to its end (so others can replicate what you are doing),

  • overview, why it's better to use AI, how much time AI spares, how it affects workplaces.


Do you know some latest news in AI and would like to share it? Progress in research, a new version of an app, new investments, and adaptation of AI in big companies…?

The article about news should contain basic information

  • title of the news,

  • list of AI atomic tasks (if the news is about any),

  • list of AI apps (if the news is about any),

  • list of categories (where the news belong - list of existing categories will be provided soon),

followed with

  • one paragraph defining what's the news about,

  • the news itself.

How to make your article more valuable?

Other data needs to be inserted into an article besides the bare text. PandAI team has graphic designers and copywriters who can create these data, but we want to incentivize authors to fill these data themselves by increasing rewards in $PANDAI, if the submitted article has

  • images in the article (resolution arbitrary), where each image should have

    • caption (title of the image), and

    • alternative text (description what image shows)

  • SEO data for the whole article, including

    • title (max 60 characters)

    • description (min 50, max 160 characters)

    • keywords (coma-separated list of words)

    • image (1200x627 pixels)

Get in Touch

In case you want to become an author, get in touch with us through Twitter DMs and let us know that you want to take part in the Portal journey!

We'll need your

  • Discord/Telegram account or email (for communication),

  • your BSC wallet address, where you'll receive your $PANDAI rewards,

  • your name and profile picture, so we can create your Author entity in PandAI Portal.

During registration, you get more information from us.

Last updated